Register to Vote in Texas: A Guide for South Asian Texans


At SAAVETX EF, we’re committed to empowering the South Asian community in Texas. Voting is a powerful way to make our voices heard, and it’s more important than ever to participate in the upcoming elections. Here’s a simple guide to help you register to vote and ensure your voice counts.

BLOG: South Asians Register to Vote

Why Voting Matters

South Asians are the fastest-growing community in Texas. By voting, we have the power to influence key races and decisions that affect our lives, families, and future. This upcoming election is the most important of our lifetime, and every vote counts.

Use this tool to verify your registration Click here

How to Register to Vote

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility

  • You must be a U.S. citizen.

  • You must be at least 18 years old on Election Day.

  • You must be a resident of Texas.

Step 2: Gather Your Information

  • Texas Driver License

  • Texas Election Identification Certificate

  • Texas Personal Identification card

  • Texas Handgun License

  • U.S. Military identification card with the person’s photo

  • U.S. Citizenship Certificate with the person’s photo

  • U.S. Passport (book or card)


Step 4: Deadline

  • The deadline to register for the upcoming election is October 7th. Make sure your application is submitted or postmarked by this date.

How to Verify Your Registration

Once you’ve registered, you can verify your registration status here. It’s important to double-check that your registration is active and that all your information is correct.

Get Involved

Voting is just the beginning. Help us spread the word and get more South Asians registered to vote! Sign up here to volunteer, host a registration drive, or participate in community outreach.

Contact Us

Need help? Have questions? Contact us at:

  • Email: