Our programs

Through these programs, the SAAVETX Education Fund is committed to promoting civic engagement, social justice, and community empowerment. We strive to build strong, resilient communities where every individual's voice is heard and valued.

Write a letter to our Senator


  1. Click on the link (your email will open with the letter already populated)

  2. Insert Replace with your information YOUR NAME
    YOUR CITY, ST 12345
    (123) 456-7890
    Your email@EXAMPLE.COM]

  3. Sign your name at the bottom

  4. Click send

  5. The letter will be emailed to Senator Cornyn’s office.

This letter is to urge Senator Cornyn to co-author the “South Asian American Heart Health Awareness and Research Act” (Similar to H.R.3771) in the Senate with Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ).  H.R.3771 was introduced by Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Joe Wilson (R-SC), it passed in the House and was sent to the Senate in July 2022 and will be re-introduced this year.

Heart disease poses a significant health challenge for South Asians, with the highest death rate compared to other racial/ethnic groups. Unfortunately, the lack of investment and medical data specific to South Asian heart health hinders our ability to effectively tackle this critical issue. This bill would invest in heart health promotion grants, research, and culturally appropriate materials, so we can promote preventive care measures and save lives within the South Asian community in Texas.

Please Join Us and Make Your Voice Heard!

We hosted happy hours

Community Networking: We foster connections and collaborations among South Asian communities, communities of color, and allies to strengthen social ties, promote cultural understanding, and address common challenges

We hosted educational forums

Education Initiatives: We promote civic education and awareness among South Asian communities, organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns to educate individuals about their rights, voting processes, government structures, and community issues.

Rapid Response: Our rapid response program addresses urgent community needs, providing support, resources, and advocacy during times of crisis, whether it's natural disasters, hate incidents, or community emergencies.

We phone banked

Volunteer Development: We offer volunteer training, mentorship, and leadership development programs to empower individuals to become active agents of change within their communities. Our goal is to inspire and mobilize volunteers to dedicate 1 hour or more per week to community service.

Elected Officials Engagement: We engage with elected officials at various levels of government to advocate for policies that address the needs and concerns of South Asian communities. We facilitate dialogue, organize meetings, and collaborate to create positive change.

We registered voters

Voter Registration: Our voter registration initiatives aim to increase voter registration and voter turnout among South Asian communities. We conduct voter registration drives, educate individuals about the importance of voting, and provide resources to navigate the voting process.

Youth Engagement: We empower and engage young individuals through educational programs, leadership development, and community service opportunities, nurturing the next generation of active and informed citizens.

  • We foster connections and collaborations among South Asian communities, communities of color, and allies to strengthen social ties, promote cultural understanding, and address common challenge

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  • Description text goes here