Welcome to our community page!

Building Power in Our Communities

In the heart of every neighborhood, there lies the potential for immense collective power. At SAAVETX EF, we understand the transformative strength that comes from uniting our communities. By bringing people together in churches, mosques, temples, and local community groups, we can build the kind of influence that shapes the future of Texas.

Our communities have a wealth of untapped resources, knowledge, and passion. Through neighborhood organizing and outreach, we aim to unlock this incredible potential. Together, we can amplify our voices, make real change, and inspire future generations. Building power in our communities isn't just about individual strength; it's about collective might. Join us in this incredible journey to empower and uplift every neighborhood. Together, we are an unstoppable force for good.

🌟 Join Our Network: Help us extend our reach by connecting with your local churches, mosques, temples, and community organizations. The more, the merrier!

🏘️ Become a Neighborhood Organizer: Empower your local community by becoming a neighborhood organizer. Work with us to bring people together, share important information, and encourage civic engagement.

🤝 Volunteer Now: Ready to make a real impact? Join our team of dedicated volunteers and be a driving force for positive change.

🌆 Build South Asian Power: Together, we can create a powerful South Asian voice that influences the future of Texas. Let's make a difference, one community at a time.

📧 Get in Touch: If you're as passionate as we are about building strong, engaged communities, reach out to us today. Let's work together to shape the future of Texas.

Are you registered to Vote?

SAAVETX Education Fund wants to register every South Asian member across Texas.

Click the button below, someone will help you get registered to vote.